Exploring different problem framing techniques: Choosing the right approach for your needs

Introduction Effective problem-solving in pharmaceutical marketing requires structured approaches. Different framing techniques can help achieve this, depending on the problem and desired outcomes. This blog explores various framing methods and how to choose the right one. Prompt-based framing Prompt-based framing uses specific questions to guide problem-solving. For example, asking, “Where do we need to get […]

Ideation techniques

Ideation Techniques Effective collaborative ideation involves using various techniques to guide the idea-generating process. These techniques aim to produce creative and unique ideas that can be filtered and grouped later. Here are some techniques that will improve your ideation sessions and help you get more value from your team’s ideas: Airtime: The time each person […]

Business essentials: what you need to know

Based on this outline, write this content in the form of a guide with more casual and direct language written at the level of a college freshman: Introduction to business Overview of business concepts: basic definitions and key concepts 1. What is business? Business is all about making, buying, and selling goods or services. The […]

Crafting a clear vision: starting with the basics

Understanding the importance of a clear vision So you need to set a vision for your org…where do you start? It’s important to establish a vision that is clear, inspiring and actionable. This chapter will guide you through the steps to develop a vision from first principles, ensuring it resonates with your team and aligns […]

6 reasons your project portfolio feels overwhelming

Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of projects vying for your attention? It’s a common challenge, and here are 6 reasons why this happens: 🔍 No Clear Goals: Without clear strategic goals, it’s hard to figure out which projects are the most important. When everything seems equally important, it’s easy to get overwhelmed ✅ […]

Streamline your project portfolio with essentialism

For leaders, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the endless list of tasks and projects. But what if you could cut through the noise and focus only on what actually matters? That’s where essentialism comes in. In this blog post, you’ll learn what essentialism is, how it relates to portfolio prioritization, and how to use […]

Building a flexible prioritization framework

In this chapter, we’ll explore how you, as a leader, can create a process for ongoing prioritization. We want your organization to stay agile and responsive to new information, changing conditions, and evolving priorities. Creating a prioritization process for your projects can seem like a big task, but it’s totally doable with the right approach. […]

Aligning stakeholders with clear communication

In this chapter, we’ll explore how to get everyone on board with your new prioritization process and strategic priorities. We want to make sure all stakeholders are aligned and understand how we landed here. Let’s make it happen. Communicating the vision and criteria The first step in engaging stakeholders is to communicate the vision and […]

Essential criteria for effective prioritization

In Chapter 1, we will talk about developing a clear set of criteria for prioritizing your initiatives. We want to answer the question: Which initiatives are the most important and deserve your team’s focus? We will get into it but first let’s talk about what a portfolio even is. A portfolio, in the context of […]

Top techniques for creative ideation

Ideation techniques Effective collaborative ideation involves using various techniques to guide the idea-generating process. These techniques aim to produce creative and unique ideas that can be filtered and grouped later. Here are some techniques that will improve your ideation sessions and help you get more value from your team’s ideas: Airtime: The time each person […]

Creating a safe and supportive environment

Creating a space where everyone feels safe to share their ideas is important. Often, people stay quiet because they’re afraid of being judged or because of the hierarchy in the room. To combat this, consider practices that emphasize that all ideas are valuable. Use structured turn-taking or anonymous idea submissions to balance participation between talkative […]

From ideas to action: facilitating effective team brainstorming

Collaborative ideation is about getting a group together to come up with ideas through teamwork and interaction. Unlike brainstorming alone, this method benefits from the diverse perspectives and skills of the group, providing a richer pool of ideas. Bringing in people from different backgrounds taps into a wider range of experiences and viewpoints, leading to […]

The power of problem framing: how structured approaches drive strategic success

No matter what industry you’re in, as a leader, making sure your strategic goals match your daily operations should be a top priority. One effective way to do this is through structured problem framing. By clearly defining problems, organizations can focus on finding solutions that drive success. The Importance of Problem Framing Framing a problem […]

Revolutionizing Clinical Operations Leadership through Agile Principles

The Vice President (VP) of Clinical Operations is tasked with not only the oversight of projects, but the cultivation of a high-performing team. Traditional methodologies, characterized by their rigidity and hierarchical decision-making processes, are being outpaced by the demands of modern clinical research environments. Agile principles, known for their emphasis on flexibility, collaboration, and continuous […]

Patient Recruitment and Retention: Clinical Operations Excellence

Clinical Operations is tasked with ensuring not only the integrity of the study but also its alignment with stringent timelines, budgets, and resource allocations. Central to this role is the imperative to develop and implement robust strategies for patient recruitment and retention, a task that requires a nuanced understanding of the trial landscape and an […]

Innovating Clinical Trial Design: Embracing Agile Principles

Integrating innovative trial designs and methodologies is pivotal to enhancing trial outcomes and patient participation. This task marks a significant shift from traditional, rigid trial frameworks to more adaptive and patient-centric approaches. Traditional vs. Agile Methodologies in Trial Design Traditionally, clinical trials followed a one-size-fits-all approach, often limiting in flexibility and responsiveness to patient needs […]

Data-Driven Decision Making in Clinical Operations: A Strategic Shift

Embracing data analytics transforms the management and execution of clinical trials. This data-driven approach moves beyond traditional methods, integrating real-time insights and predictive analytics to inform strategic decisions. From Tradition to Innovation Traditional clinical trial management often relies on past experiences and qualitative judgments. Today, data analytics introduces a systematic approach to evaluate trial performance, […]

Agile in clinical operations: Efficiency in resource management

Traditionally, clinical operations has taken a linear, plan-driven approach, characterized by its rigidity and sequential execution of tasks. However, the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of clinical trials demands a more flexible, responsive strategy. Enter agile methodologies Traditional approach vs. Agile approach Traditional Approach: Historically, clinical trial management has leaned heavily on waterfall methodologies, which […]

Making Clinical Trials Agile: A Fresh Approach

Let’s talk about clinical trials, specifically how we can make them smarter and more responsive. Take a seat, I’m about to tell you how mixing a bit of agility into the mix can really shake things up. The Old Way vs. The Agile Way Traditionally, managing a clinical trial was like planning a trip with […]

Making Clinical Trials Nimble: A Fresh Take

Dive Into the Change Imagine for a moment you are the VP of clinical operations at a top 20 global pharma company. You’re the captain of the ship, navigating through the complex waters of bringing a new drug to the market. It’s a journey, right? Traditionally, it’s like following a map, turn by turn, without […]